Wednesday, December 07, 2011

The Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day!

The Pathways for Kids Annual Anniversary Benefit Gala went off with out a hitch! A fantastic organization and an amazing event. The auction filled both ballrooms of the Intercontinental Mark Hopkins San Francisco. And with everyone dressed to the nines and matching masquerade masks coming together for such a great cause made it a total sight to be seen. Gotta love that old Hollywood feel.

I was pleased my contribution sold at auction for a pretty penny. Another HoD original gets a new home and the proceeds go to benefit Pathways for Kids. Done and done.

I want to congratulate Eric Yee on putting on such an amazing event from sound to well... EVERYTHING! You knocked this one out of the park yet again my friend.

On Deck

- Stockton Thunder Auction 2012 set up is starting this week. Poor me, I have to go hang out with hockey players :( oh the things I do for art.
- Finishing up loose ends with personal projects
- Tattoo designs
- Private lessons
- Staying warm
- The Holidays

Keep it real folks and I promise to do the same.
Till' next time - The Doodle.