Step 3
My trip down to Florida was very productive, eventful and most of all re-energizing. Mega Con was crazy fun and interesting ride to get to. Here's how things went down; got to Miami on a Tuesday night, worked through the night on Wednesday and left for Orlando in our U-Haul van like rock stars for the convention on a Thursday night. 3 people in a van that seats 2 = Awesome! I took one for the team and road the 5 hours or so in the back with all our equipment.
Best seat in the house! Well aside from the whole jail like feel when talking to Cayce and Kit, but after the first hour or so you get used to it.
The crazy fun thing about just going with the flow and traveling like a rock star is the benefit of surrounding yourself with awesome people. Horizons open like flood gates and suddenly things just seem more clear. Through the awesomeness of Cayce and couch surfing I got to meet a bunch of amazing people who do equally amazingly awesome things. For example; ever wonder who writes up all the things you hear in an amusement park to makes it as accurate as possible who's day job is to swim with dolphins and moonlight as a comic writer and rock star? Yeah, seriously who does that! Erin Pyne that's who, check her out. I want to give a special thanks to Erin and her husband Greg for letting us crash at their place during the convention. You guys are completely amazing, thanks again!
At the convention things went pretty Kick-Ass all three days. Sold some prints, cranked out commissions and a crap load of Doodles. I was even compared to Jim Lee and George Perez and told I had the best Gambit at the Con- (makes me blush just thinking about it.) And on Sunday while walking the floor some one from Friday recognized me and was still excited about the Captain America doodle she bought. Aw, Shucks man!
A little glimpse of some stuff from the Con.
Commissions and such.
$1 a Doodle!
More pictures from MegaCon will be added to the portfolio link too.
And so I leave you with the promise of a story for next time about a certain baby unicorn. It's sure to make you go AWWWWwwwwWWWW!
Thanks to everyone! Especially my FCR Cayce Moyer!!! SQUISH!
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